
About Us

The members of AMORIM CAPITAL PARTNERS Board of Directors have a long history in management and managerial positions in the financial field.
We are a group of people with a common goal, which is to serve our clients with the greatest transparency and fidelity.
We are committed to excellence as part of our essence and to achieve results that go beyond the expectations of those who have trusted us.

Why the Amorim name

Its origin means a lot to us: LOVE and CARE. All members of the AMORIM CAPITAL PARTNERS Family directory are Christians, believers in God through Jesus Christ and declare that His Blessing is upon us, our company and our families. With respect to the logo, fish, it has been the synonym of Christianity since ancient times. It means that we are always prepared and ready to go fishing those who are without God in this world.

Code of ethics

AMORIM CAPITAL PARTNERS is an organization that is at the service of its controlled or linked companies that are part of the economic group, the shareholders, and the communities where it does business. This first definition of our company implies to undertake a public responsibility based on standards of ethical conduct. Therefore, AMORIM CAPITAL PARTNERS commits itself to carry out business activities with honesty, responsibility and transparency.

AMORIM’s success depends on the integrity and reputation that all of its employees can build together. The Principles and Practices of Ethical Conduct are aimed at strengthening and enhancing our company’s good name.

Those ethical values that all of the company’s employees should always follow are:


In order to ensure that our Code of Ethics is fulfilled, AMORIM CAPITAL PARTNERS requires that all employees certify to have read and fully understood the Code, and that they will support these Principles and Practices stated therein in the course of their normal business activities.


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